linkedin - Premier provider of self-study programs in insurance claims law                                                                                                                                                                                        


Upon completing a claims law course, a student may be eligible to receive college credit.

Thomas Edison State University (TESU), accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, specializes in providing flexible, high-quality educational opportunities for adults and will accept credit for those AEI courses completed according to National CCRS requirements (an important requirement is that THE COURSE EXAM MUST BE PROCTORED AND THE PROCTOR MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY AEI). A student can obtain an undergraduate degree directly from TESU, regardless of where the student lives or works. Enrolling in its BSBA (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration) degree program will enable the student to gain the greatest benefit from AEI courses, especially if the student chooses a specialization in Insurance, because AEI's courses are matched with core and specialization requirements that make up the bulk of that degree.

TESU offers a graduate degree, Master of Science in Management, which requires 36 credits, 12 of which can come from AEI work. For graduate degree credit, a research project is required for each AEI course. This project will involve a topic relevant to the course in question as determined by AEI's Director of Education. It must be 5-7 typewritten pages. There is a $50 fee per course (graduate level only). 

TESU's unique educational mission provides flexible, high quality, collegiate learning opportunities for self-directed adults. TESU students fulfill degree requirements through a variety of means: they take credit-bearing examinations, they transfer credits they have earned from other accredited institutions, they take online and other distance-delivered courses, and they have their college-level knowledge assessed through the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process. Through these various means, students may earn college credit and complete degrees wherever they live or work. There is no residency requirement.

For details call American Educational Institute at 1-800-631-8183.
or e-mail Jerry Chiara:


  Legal Principles
     1   U/G    #110 Law of Contracts
     1   U/G    #111 Tort Concepts
     1   U/G    #112 Tort Theories and Defenses
     1   U/G    #113 Law of Agency
     1   U/G    #114 Law of Bailments
     1   U/G    #115 Law of Damages
     1   U/G    #116 Law of Subrogation

     1   U/G    #210 Liability Insurance Principles
     1   U/G    #211 Comparative Negligence
     1   U/G    #212 Law of Evidence
     2   U/G    #213 Pleadings and Practice
     1   U/G    #217 General Liability
     1   U/G    #218 Medical Malpractice
     1   U/G    #219 Professional Liability
     1   U/G    #220 Products Liability
     1   U/G    #221 Law of Environmental Claims
     1   U/G    #222 Alternative Dispute Resolution
     1   U/G    #223 Employment Practices Liability
     1   U/G    #224 Personal & Advertising Injury Coverage

    1    U/G    #310 Property Insurance Principles
    1    U/G    #311 Fire & Extended Coverage Perils
    1    U/G    #312 Loss Adjustment and Subrogation
    1    U/G    #313 Arson & Fraud 
    1    U/G    #314 Homeowners: Property Coverages 
    1    U/G    #315 Homeowners: Liability Coverages
    1    U/G    #316 Commercial Property Coverages
    1    U/G    #317 Inland Marine Coverages
    1    U/G    #318 Yacht & Boatowners Insurance

Workers’ Compensation
   1   U/G    #410 Origin & Development
   1   U/G    #411 Employment Relationship in WC 
   1   U/G    #412 Course and Scope of Employment
   1   U/G    #413 Workers’ Compensation Benefits 
   1   U/G    #414 Federal WC Law
   1   U/G    #415 WC & Employer’s Liability Policy 
   1   U/G    #416 Practice & Procedures in WC

Law of Claims Fraud
   1   U/G    #510 Recognizing Fraud 
   1   U/G    #511 Special Investigation 
   1   U/G    #512 Proving Fraud 
   1   U/G    #513 Policy & Its Requirements
   1   U/G    #514 Avoiding Bad Faith
   1   U/G    #515 Advanced Legal Issues
   1   U/G   #516 Automobile Insurance Fraud

Law of Automobile Claims and Coverage
   1   U/G    #610 Automobile Insurance Principles 
   1   U/G    #611 Law of Automobiles 
   1   U/G    #612 Law of Auto Ins: No-Fault & Med Pay 
   1   U/G    #613 Law of Automobile Liability Insurance
   1   U/G    #614 Law of Auto Ins: UM and UIM 
   1   U/G    #615 Law of Auto Ins: First Party Property Damage
   1   U/G    #616 Law of Auto Ins: Business Auto Coverage

U = Undergraduate G = Graduate